Friday, November 13, 2009

Social Anxiety Or Shyness?

Whats the difference? I myself am quiet until I get to know you. I hate social situation I feel uncomfortable, surly that doesn't mean I have social anxiety? I just don't like social situations, being brought up an only child I am more used to my own company and find it more comfortable, Its the same with Generalised Anxiety Disorder, am I avoiding a situation because I feel anxious or do I just not want to go, Where do you draw the line?

They say if you have to drink alcohol in social situations to feel comfortable you may have social anxiety, I mean everyone I know drinks in social situation to feel comfortable.

I'm confussed, define what social anxiety is and what Shyness is? My Psychologist put this into my head today, I am attending her for Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

Social Anxiety Or Shyness?
Social anxiety is an experience of fear, apprehension or worry regarding social situations and being evaluated by others.

Shyness is the feeling of apprehension or lack of confidence experienced in regard to social association with others, e.g. being in proximity to, approaching and being approached by others.

The difference between the two is the reaction to the social situations. If one simply waits to be approached, and does not initiate a social introduction, they are shy. If one starts to have a panic attack at the mere thought of being around other people, that is anxiety.

Which do you experience?
Reply:Being a quiet person (Shy) can be a problem, because you think everyone else is outgoing and confident. They're not! They just pretend.

You should join an acting class, and by pretending to be someone else (acting) you will gain huge confidence, without losing yourself.(Shy and quiet).

Finally, I was like you until I realised its not about me, its about others. I had spent too much time thinking about myself.
Reply:I experience the same thing and I think like the girl said before, it's to do with confidence and not necessarily a disorder.

I find social situations difficult because I'm the youngest of 4 other more outgoing siblings and while growing up I felt my opinions were always disregarded and critsed and so when speaking too new people I was always afraid I would say something stupid.

But I've leaned that the best thing is to slowly throw yourself into thse situations even if only for half an hour at a time to gain experience in having conversations and learn from others around you.

Good luck
Reply:put this into your head .......... that sounds like the psych. wants you to keep depending on him/her to tell you what to do...... forget them..... your doing fine..... just cause someone doesn't want to party every night they want to make you think you have a disorder ...... its a bunch of bull spit.
Reply:You probably suffer with neither.

I am very similar, however just because you hate the social scene it doesnt mean you have a disorder or are shy.

You obviously focus yourself more on other things rather than social things.

Nothing wrong with that.

In the future you will find it a lot easier to understand and communicate with people. (I know Ive been there)

Good luck.
Reply:shy people have been criticised alot during their childhood which brings about shyness

social anxiety is slightly different where any social situation can actually bring about panic attacks and discomfort ranges from sweats to stammmering to just avoiding the situation leaving you mostly house bound
Reply:I feel completely the same but i just haven't got any confidence in myself. I use to have loads but i was bullied in the pass and then i had no one to hang around with so i was stuck on my own and doing things on my own. i have a disabled brother and my mum is always depressed and i never see my dad. so i had no one to talk to.

I don't think you suffer from either. i think you just haven't got any confidence just like me. You said you was the only child so that must be a possibility why you don't like being in social situations because you haven't experienced socialising people near your age. If you are worried maybe you are just anxious. But just try to relax when you are with people and think what you have to say when you talk to them.

Don't care what other people think of you just care who loves you.
Reply:my 11 yr old son says that i am weird, I don't like going out unless its with my husband to the cinema or my sisters again mainly to the cinema, I hate meeting knew people, don't know what to say to them, and when I do start talking I get all tongue tied and I can feel my face going red and I start sewating, I don't drink alot of alcohol but if I did have to go out I would have to drink I think that means that I have social anviety but I also think that shyness plays a large part in that if I wasn't so shy then I would have no problem in going out and meeting knew people, (by the way i come from a family of 5 girls and 1 boy)
Reply:Everyone experiences anxiety as a normal reaction to threatening, dangerous, uncertain, or important situations. Psychiatric medicine classifies anxiety as normal or pathological. Normal anxiety can enhance some people's function, motivation, and productivity, such as the person who works well under pressure. People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) experience pathological anxiety, which is excessive, chronic, and typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities. Generalized or "free-floating" anxiety is distinguished from phobia because it is not triggered by a specific object or situation.

Social anxiety:

Some of the signs and symptoms include: 1. An extreme fear of a situation in which you have to meet new people or you may be scrutinized by others.

2. The feared social situations are experienced with intense anxiety or avoided entirely.

3. The anxiety-provoking social situation causes physical symptoms like blushing, sweating, shaking, trembling, tense muscles, shaky voice, dry mouth or a pounding heart.

The basic symptom of social anxiety disorder is of being very anxious in the presence of others. If you suffer from social anxiety disorder, you may think that other people are very confident in public and you are not. Just blushing may feel horribly embarrassing to you, and you may feel like everyone's eyes are always on you. You may feel anxious about giving a speech, talking to a boss or dating.

Some people with social anxiety disorder are afraid of public speaking or parties. Others feel terrible anxiety about using a public restroom, eating out, talking on the phone or writing in front of others.

Almost everyone experiences some social anxiety now and then; it's normal. However, social anxiety disorder consistently limits the lifestyle of those with the illness, in some cases causing them to not participate in school, avoid making friends or miss important opportunities at work. Some people with social anxiety disorder avoid all socially related situations, severely limiting their life, work and social relationships.

Try not to worry my friend ;)

the other thing to think of is ......If your in a situation or a place you dont whant to be....then you aint going to like it and you'll feel uncomfortable.

Your ok be strong and enjoy life.
Reply:Something becomes a disorder when it starts to severely impair how you live your day-to-day life, affecting your quality of life in a bad way.

It's kind of like how people can have obsessive compulsive tendencies, but when it starts to take over your life, then it is a disorder.

If your shyness is to the point that it's preventing you from applying for jobs, meeting new people, keeping you from doing everyday things you want to do and you just simply pushing yourself into the situation doesn't help, that could be social anxiety. For instance, if you go to a party, you kind of trail back and someone starts talking to you and eventually you warm up? That's shyness. If in the same scenario you're overcome with a fear that you cannot communicate and dread communicating, that could be Social Anxiety Disorder.

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